“Song of the Sea: Cutty Sark”

Who Painted this? Montague Dawson

Where is he from? England

When was this painted? 1964

What is this made of? Oil on canvas

Montague Dawson was a professional maritime artist who made a career of painting the great sailing ships of the 19th century. And what greater ship could there be than the Cutty Sark, the world’s only surviving extreme clipper. It no longer sails the seas to trade goods such as tea, coal and wool. Nowadays it can be visited in London, England, where the clipper has been restored and serves as a museum.

Clipper ships always have: a long narrow hull, a sharp bow that cuts through the waves, and three masts. If you turn around you can see a 3D model of the Cutty Sark. Can you imagine building something like this yourself? Look how many parts there are to the ship.

Fun Facts: The Cutty Sark’s overall length is 280 feet and the height of the main mast is 152 feet. The Appleton Museum of Art is 30 feet high. 

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